Friday, 31 May 2013

Leaving Pamplona

Hello everyone. After our stop in Pamplona it was time to leave. We left at 7.45 and started the 24 K to Puento La Reina. It was a very steep climb to Alto del Perdon, a distance of about 13K and a climb of 790 mts. The ground under foot was very muddy and dangerous. Alto del Pedron was amazing. The wrought iron statues depicting ancient pilgrims, just like the film, the way. The statues and the view add together to form a very emotional experience. When we reached the mountain village of Uterga we stopped for a hot drink and met up again with the group we had dinner with in Pamplona. Oh yes, last nights dinner in Pamplona was a very social occasion with 9 of us sharing a table at the restaurant Iruna that was made famous in the Hemingway novel, The sun also rises. It's not all about climbing mountains and having all the aches and pains it is also about meeting great people. Anyway today we arrived at the Albergue  at about 2.30. Yes I was sore and tired but Mary and Pauline were putting me to shame so I took Paddy As advice and manned up. Right I'm going to hand over to Mary        but first I must admit to an earlier mistake. The lady who gave the money was called Maureen, her husband is Brendan and they gave 40 euros. Oh yes since I haven't been able to master the art of putting photos on the blog I will try putting them on Facebook.
Hello again. Mary here.  I am waiting for a washing machine in the Albergue  we are staying in tonight. Albergues are hostel type accommodation for those walking the camino. They have reputations that would scare the life out of you but this one is fine. No doubt we will return to the Albergue situation on many occasions over the next few weeks.
I must mention the amazing hospitality of the Spanish people.  They are so polite ,respectful and eternally helpful.  And despite the awful weather the countryside is beautiful. Hosts of poppies and all manner of colourful wild flowers.  Don't want a job with the Spanish tourist board . Just saying.
Oops my turn for the washer. Talk later.

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