Last nights Albergue in Hontanas was very comfortable and after a good nights sleep we set of before 8am. It was a very pleasant 5.5 to San Antonio where you walk through the splendid ruins of the 14 century Convento de San Antonio . The Meseta path then winds its way to Castrojeriz Iglesias Santa Maria. This ancient town is laid out as one straggling line between path and hill. Obviously from its ruined castles and monasteries this ancient town had a very illustrious past. Today it is a tranquil sleepy place with evidence of few inhabitants. Outside Castrojeriz the earthen path made a strenuous climb back up on to the Meseta. When I say strenuous I mean lung busting for about 2miles until you reach Alto Mostelares and by that time you have gone through the pain barrier. You then walk along the top of the Alto before plunging violently down in to the valley below. The Camino takes us up every hill and mountain in Spain and remember what goes up must come down. Today's downhill of about a mile and 18 percent was hard on the joints. After the descent it was a beautiful 4 mile walk to Itero de la Vega with its famous eleven arched bridge over the river Pisuerga and into the Provincia de Palencia. Today's walk was all about the colours of the Meseta. The reds of the poppies and whites of the daisies contrasting with greens, yellows and purples, give a masterpiece that only nature can create. On a negative note my shin is giving me jip and was in a class of its own during the steep downhill. On the map tomorrow's walk looks reasonably flat but I'm sure between now and then they will have rerouted us up a hill somewhere. If pain is penance then I'm looking forward to all the sins I can commit once back home because I've stored up enough penances to forgive an entire nation. C
The walk today was lovely but my poor feet were in agony. With a few miles to go the massive blister burst and I limped into town wearing my sandals. Everyone on the camino gets blisters no matter how many precautions you take. In the evenings almost everyone has bandages or dressings and any shop that sells Compeed makes a fortune.
We have met so many people on our way. Most are from USA and Australia with Canada a close contender. Their currencies are very strong against the euro so they find Spain extremely cheap. Everyone is very happy and great fun, never any long faces despite aches and pains. That is why the camino is so special, we all have the same purpose and the same objectives.
Hoping our third day crossing the Meseta is less eventful than today. M.
Hey guys! Shane here, was hoping to catch up with you soon but I've taken another day off in Burgos with more pilgrims I've met, maybe the Camino will bring us back to the same pace but for the moment at least, have a Buen Camino!